Reduce Risks with a Digital Permit to Work
(PTW) System

Software to manage the issuing of work permits

Reduce human error and overcome traditional challenges related to paper documents (such as time and unreliable interpretation). SafeWork clearly manages, identifies and displays all the relevant authorization stages, data and procedures about Permits to Work!

SafeWork is a Management Application Software for the request & issuance of Permit to Work (PTW) in industrial plants subject to the Regulations on Control of Major Accident Hazards. With a PTW Digital System, human errors are reduced and the risks of handwriting misunderstandings are eliminated. SafeWork means better safety standards and increased productivity for the plant!

SafeWork represents a Safety Management Tool which reduces the time required for PTW issuance, yet it keeps under control the PTW authorization procedures.

SafeWork – what is it:

SafeWork “Permit to Work” – Management Application Software (Enterprise Software): SafeWork is a very innovative application program for the request & issuing of Permit to Work (PTW) in industrial plants, especially those subject to the Regulations on Control of Major Accident Hazards. Since 2003, SafeWork has been implemented by the Isab Energy IGCC Plant in Priolo Gargallo (Italy) and then by many other European petrochemical plants. Since its first release, SafeWork has incorporated new features such as the validation of PTW digital or biometric signatures, improving PTW monitoring and digital archiving of the system itself.

SafeWork (SWK) at a Glance

  • Clearly manages, identifies and displays all the relevant stages, data and procedures about Permits to Work. In particular, SafeWork reproduces and displays the PTW procedure, workflow and templates already in use in one specific site. It is also possible to print PTWs and certificates generated by the software;
  • By means of Smart Networks (IoT), SWK can provide real-time data on preliminary conditions and working requirements related to PTW;
  • Provides detailed information about all the maintenance/working activities carried out within the site;
  • Enhances assessing and processing of interference risks (Clash Analysis & Coordination of Simultaneous Ongoing Activities). For each type of work, the system also automatically suggests specific safety precautions to take;
  • Validates PTW digital or biometric signatures (including PTW monitoring and digital archiving);
  • Enables the implementation of IT-Safety policy compliance, reliable data entry,
automatic data processing and warnings for Permit Issuer, printing of technical attachments to PTW for the Permit User;

  • Interfaces with other existing digital systems as needed (ERPs SAP-like, ECM, Maintenance Management Systems, Facilities Management Systems, Training Management, Access Control, Employee & Contractors DB, Tracking Systems, etc.);
  • Provides a control panel (dashboard) reporting PTW and working activities (geo-referencing), work-force tracking and space management.
SafeWork Benefits…Why Should You Choose It?

  • Clear and real-time reporting about PTW;
  • Significant decrease of interference risks (Clash Analysis & Coordination of Simultaneous Ongoing Activities);
  • Significant reduction of the time required to issue a PTW (-30%… this point means saving thousands of work-hours);
  • Elimination of risks due to handwriting misunderstandings (-100%);
  • Significant reduction of risks due to human error in filling the PTW (-80%);
  • Global reduction of accidents and increase of Safety standards;
  • Better conditions in obtaining Insurance Coverage (lower insurance premium);
  • Immediate cross-check on workers’ requirements and functional information (such as access validity, PTW rights, training, contractor company suitability, etc.).
SafeWork Services and Architecture

  • Help Desk on-site to perform training-on-the-job for end-users;
  • Training of personnel and change management;
  • Project management and assistance in preparation of PTW procedure;
  • Periodic assessment of PTW drafting process;
  • Statistics and analysis of PTW Big Data;
  • User-friendly solution;
  • Web-based interface in HTML5/CSS3;
  • Oracle-based Enterprise environment to secure DB and data protection;
  • Integration with SAP, OSI-PI and other systems as needed;
  • Works in Cloud;
  • Optional geo-localization of Plant Equipment for a better graphical representation of PTW and Equipment;
  • SafeWork can be delevoped as In-House Software (the solution is built on a local Application Server) or as Software as a Service_SaaS (the solution is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.).
For all the above reasons, SafeWork is to be considered not only a powerful safety system, but also a comprehensive management tool to coordinate different working activities and potential emergences in the site.

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