European Funds Economist
Prof. Santi Tomaselli

The contribution of Dr. Tomaselli
The coordination of the Europe Office GIS International, in addition to relying on the expertise in digitalization of Dr. Ernesto Nudo and Dr. Pierluca Nudo, is overseen in the legal-economic resolution area concerning European Funds and PNRR resources by Prof. Santi Tomaselli, European Funds Economist. Prof. Santi Tomaselli, President of the Roman Observatory on European Funds and the International Study Center for European Fund Economics, has distinguished himself over years of scientific research as a European Funds Economist. He was the first to highlight, both nationally and internationally, the need for an alternative scientific methodology focused on an “ethical” use of European funds, aiming at their social impact and well-being for communities. He sees these funds as development drivers both for the internal market and as a lever for sustainable internationalization policies for SMEs and Third Sector organizations.
Due to his scientific contributions to such a complex issue as European Funds, addressed for the first time from a comprehensive ethical perspective (overcoming the outdated method of high certifications diminished by the spillover effect), Prof. Santi Tomaselli has been awarded three international prizes: the Carthage International Prize (previously awarded to notable figures such as former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and world-renowned physicist Antonino Zichichi), the Levi International Prize 2020/2021, and the Vivi Salute Award at Bocconi University in Milan in 2021, organized by Cergas Bocconi, recognizing his outstanding scientific studies on the efficient use of European Funds.
He currently holds an academic role as an international researcher at the prestigious West University of Canada, present in over 40 countries worldwide, focusing on scientific studies aimed at strengthening the CETA agreement between Canada and Europe through the opportunities offered by European Funds. Recently, he has been recognized as worthy of joining Italy’s oldest and most important Academy of Economists (founded in 1950), which had Luigi Einaudi as its President.
He boasts over 50 publications in national and international media, including, among others, Blasting News, Yahoo Finance, Adnkronos, Ansa, Agi, Corriere, Il Tempo, Secolo d’Italia,, Il,, Faro di Roma, Radio,, Il Sole 24 Ore Online, and recently, a column in one of Italy’s most authoritative economic magazines, Economy.
He has completed the first “Economics of European Funds” manual, over 800 pages long (awaiting publication), with the ambition, through the proposed new Scientific Methodology, to restore the true social impact value to European Funds, which has been stripped of the noble development value envisioned by the founding fathers of 1957, including Alcide De Gasperi.